Yes, my dear friends ! You're not reading bad. Last sunday, August 2nd, Pakistan was one of the news in Esporte Espetacular.
The name of news was "A bola, um dos brinquedos mais
desejados do mundo, é produzida no Paquistão"(The ball, one of the most desired toys of the world, is produ
ced in Pakistan). I already heard about.. that some balls was produced in Pakistan,but I thought was a joke or something like that, because I just know that Pakistan has a cricket team and only it, then I was thinking.. "how can a country where just pla
y cricket, produce football balls..". And people wasn't pulling my leg, they're right! There is some known songs there. But I couldn't recognize, but my Pakistani boyfriend said that there is a song singed by Atif Aslam.
"Artigo esportivo que encanta pessoas de todo planeta, é feita em um distante país da Ásia, com mais de 170 milhões de habitantes, n
a maioria, muçulmanos. Mas lá, a preferência esportiva é o cricket." (Sports that people love the whole world, is in a remote Asian country, with more than 170 million people, most of Muslims. But then, the preferred sport is cricket.) This was translated by GoogleTranslator.
Here people is talking about CRICKET and also POLO (that game played with horses). I knew about cricket but polo I didn't know.
You can watch the video. Follow the link above or watch here.
Well, that's all :) kisses to all =*
my apologizes about my english.. xD
Credits to and Globo Esporte.
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