sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2012

Brave New World

Postado por Thamara ツ às 04:00 0 comentários
algumas frases marcantes que sublinhei depois de ler "Brave New World" de Aldous Huxley. Segue o link here, do filme no Youtube.

  • "I'd rather be myself [...] Myself and unhappy. Not somebody else, however cheerful"

  • "Words are the most powerful of weapons if you use them properly [...]"

  • "The mind that thinks and desires and decides"

  • Did you ever feel as though you had something inside you that was only waiting for you to give it the chance to come out? Some sort of extra power that you could be using if you knew how?"

  • "As though I were more me, if you see what I mean. More on my own, not so completely part of something else." 

  • "well, I'd rather be unhappy than have the false, lying happiness that you were having here"

  • "the verses were in praise of silence, of the state of being alone and able to enjoy one's own thoughts and feelings

  • "we need some other kind of madness, some other kid of emotion to take possession of our minds and become the master of our imagination"


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