What's the meaning of the word happy..Does it really exist? According to Wikipédia, to be happy is to experience happiness: a feeling of contentment or joy.
What make you happy? The advertisement of a supermarket. Then I wonder and wonder what make me happy. At first thought, nothing make me happy. It seems kind utopian, as well as love, and all those emotional words.
Next thinking, I can realize that everything I use to do make me happy. An example? Easy. Everyday when I arrive at home, take my bath, go to bed and close my eyes and I thank for God, I feel happy. When I open my eyes, in another day, take a deep breathe and feel I am still alive and ready for other day of job. When I'm sad and upset with some happenings of life and I begin to think, I realize that I am a Human Being who working hard just to get a good and safe life in future.
But may be it cannot be true.
I know I claim and claim too much of life, but it's necessary for we work on to get what we wish and expect for. There's nothing in life without to fight, and never give up. Sometimes [Now, you decide your path...Are you happy? What make you happy? what's the meaning of happy for you??
La vie est encore utile si vous sourire..