sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011


Postado por Thamara ツ às 20:01 0 comentários
gosto de cinema indiano, apesar de nao assistir com tanta frequencia.. o ultimo que assisti, porem nao muito novo foi o "Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon" com Kareena Kapoor (Sanjana); Hrithik Roshan (Prem)e Abhishek Bachchan (outro Prem) =D'

Tem outros filmes, antiguinhos tambem nesse link youtube.com/movies/bollywood.. mas se vc procura pelos mais recentes, eh so colocar no youtube, que vc encontra por partes.. ja assisti o filme 'ae fond kiss', 'race' e mais um monte, nao so de bollywood coomo hollywoodiano tbm.. porem a legenda nao eh em portugues, e sim em ingles.. quem nao sabe ou tem nenhuma nocao, complica um pouco. Mas eh otimo, pois vc assite o filme, ouve em hindi e ainda treina seu ingles =D bollywood eh 3 em 1, babies! ^^,

Main Prem Ki Diwani Hoon, a triangular love story where each character rises above all odds to let love triumph at the end. Sanjana is a young, vibrant girl who has just finished her college. Her mother is very keen to get her married to a rich, eligible bachelor, Prem. Sanjana is taken aback by the extreme measures that her mother undertakes to ensure that Prem (Hrithik Roshan), who comes and stays with them for a month, likes her daughter. Prem enters Sanjanas life but she does not like him one bit! His habits and hobbies are diametrically opposite to hers. However, he manages to charm his way into the hearts of her mother, father and even her dog! As she gets to know him better, she falls hopelessly in love with him a love so deep that it will last till the end of time. But suddenly, comes along another Prem (Abhishek Bachchan) who walks into her life as though he was meant to. Where does destiny lead her? Who will she ultimately go to to the Prem who won her over or the Prem who was meant to be with her? (by http://www.youtube.com/user/rajshri)

enjoy! *__*

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