Lá vai começar a bagunça..todo mundo alegre... fazendo coisas que nunca faria se estivesse sã, uma mascara, literalmente, é o carnaval.. Assim como no Natal pessoas ficam boazinhas e solidárias, o carnaval é o feriado que o povo resolve fazer a farra. Pra que esperar datas comemorativas sendo que temos 365 dias pra fazê-lo?? e Qual a razão de garotas peladas?? Coisas dificeis para eu entender.. rsrs
And the mess will starts! Everybody happy and glad... making and doing things that never ever do and make if was another routine day, this is the carnival, a big mask party. Just like at christmas which people are friendly, humble and loveable. All is a big mask party, pretenders and fakes. Why do you need to wait for carnival to make your own party? why wait for christmas to help people and be good and friendly? We have 365 days to do all it..why the specific date is more important than the others day? And why carnival need hot girls almost and all naked?? These are things that I can't understand
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