Hello Guys who fall here =P
what's up?
well, as subject says.. I'll talk abt India :D The new brazilian soap opera "Caminho das Indias" written by Gloria Perez. Below some pictures of soap opera. :)
Her story is very nice.. i like very very much :)
the last I watched was "O Clone", who talked a little of Morocco and muslim story and culture.
About the "Caminho das Indias", I just know that there is an impossible love 'cause Bahuan (Márcio Garcia) is dalit and Maya (Juliana Paes) belongs to a traditional family of the caste of merchants. Some records was in Udaipur and Jaipur in Rajasthan. More informations you can acess Caminho das Indias it is in portuguese.. Than day 19 will starts Caminho das Indias ( it in english will be more or less path of the Indies or Indian's way) It seems a nice one :) A little of Story.
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